I wore my ruffled knickers for cute factor, not padding!
So I had the Big Date with the Big Man! I wrote a series of tweets about it, and rather than rewrite the whole thing here, I thought it might amuse you to see it as I told it then, broken down into singular tweets. I deleted the fun replies of several lovely people, as I've not asked their permission to repeat them here.
Also, I've included pretty pictures to break up the text. The first one is me, in the knickers I mention. The rest have no special significance, they're just cute.
I've been trying to come up with a reason to post this video. It has nothing to do with spanking, but I love it nonetheless. And I love love love this song. I find Thom Yorke mesmerizing.
So, when Radiohead's new album came on during my most recent spanking, I knew I'd found the link...it was my soundtrack!
I highly recommend King of Limbs. And I heart Radiohead.