As any Top worth his salt knows, there are many ways to spank a bottom. Some of them have the spanker at something of a remove from his spankee. Perhaps she's kneeling on furniture and he's using an implement on his girl...
...Perhaps he has reason to spank her thusly, but in tandem with another girl,
though I can't imagine why he'd do that...perhaps he's just very very busy and needs to save time while dispensing discipline to the naughty imps he encounters.
Perhaps he simply fancies seeing her in some novel position while he disciplines her.
Who knows why Tops do the mysterious things they do?
Perhaps I'm desperately old-fashioned, but to me, there's nothing like being over a good Top's knee.
My favorite thing in the world might be a simple OTK hand-spanking from a fully dressed, fully realized Top.
Whether it's because I've been particularly naughty...
Seems a bit lazy, but it'll work |
or particularly good...
...Or just because he jolly well feels like it...
...I love knowing I'm going to wind up over his knee.
And perhaps the best part of all is the end result.
Knowing I'll end up in his lap, with him telling me what a good girl I am.
And then walking around for a while feeling the aftermath of his attention to me.