Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Spanked a Girl, and I Liked It (part 3)

So, Dear Reader, when last we met, if you'll recall, Kirsten and I were a bit tipsy after our trivia triumph, and she had, more or less, dared me to spank her. At least that's how I read her out-thrust bum.  So, Dear Reader, what choice had I? 

I will admit that it was with trepidation that I slapped her bottom. She wiggled a bit and said, giggling, "what was that? that's not a spanking!"

She taunted me, Reader! So I commenced to spanking her.

Now, I won't say I was good at it, but I was enthusiastic. I'm not sure how long I spanked her before she squealed and recoiled a bit. "Ouch! Okay, that's a spanking!" she said, and we both started laughing deliriously.

"Alright, you bad girl," I said, "more champagne?"

She stood up, rubbed her bottom, and checked her watch. "Sure, why not? Joe won't be here for another 45 minutes."  She picked up her glass and followed me to the kitchen.

Let me stop here, Gentle Reader, to comment that the bottle of champagne felt wonderful on my burning palm. Tops, why have you never mentioned the stinging of the hand? Is it a bravado thing? Or is it just that my little hand is not accustomed to such work, and thus stung mightily? Truly, I'm interested in the answer to this question.

Anywho, back to the story!

So, after having refilled both our glasses, it was reluctantly that I put that icy bottle back in the fridge. And just as I was closing the door, before I turned around, she struck me. She had the gall to spank me! And I hadn't done a thing! I mean, Sir is more than welcome to spank me any time he deems fit for no reason. But this insolent girl is not. Still, I couldn't stop giggling.

"What the hell?!? Oh, now you've done it!" And as I started to reach out to swat her, she lunged toward me and kissed me. It was the awkward kind of thrilling kiss that reminded me of being 13;  3 seconds of tooth-banging, nervous-making, earth-shaking fun. 

 "Oh, you think kissing me is going to make me forget what you did, do you?"

"Maybe..." and then she kind of pounced on me, Reader. She took my face in her hands, pushed me back against the fridge, and kissed me, properly. I was shocked by the small softness of her mouth. At first I just stood there, with my arms hanging at my sides. But after a few seconds, I put my hands on her hips and held her against me as her unbelievably soft tongue moved slowly in my mouth. Then she pulled away, smiled, and sauntered (I tell you, she actually sauntered!) back to the couch with her glass.

"Oh, that is it! You're going over my knee, Kirsten!"

To Be Continued...


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