Hello, Loves! It's been ever so long since I've posted on the bloggie-wog, and for that I'm sorry. Please don't be cross with me!
So, let me sort of catch you up, and we'll go from there, shall we?
At the end of April, I met a man who I call the Gent. He's a bit older, and we have a really lovely disciplinary relationship that has evolved to the point where he spanks me 5 or 6 times a week (squee!). Although he's very Dominant, he's not a Dom...does that make sense? He's a very clever "vanilla" man who likes to be in charge because he's good at it. He's damn good at it, if I may say so.
I've also been working a lot, and spending time on the twitter, where I'm spankinglib, if you care to look me up.
How have y'all been?
Monday, July 11, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Spanking City of the Day: Jackson, Mississippi
Thursday, April 21, 2011
French Blog Goodness
Good heavens! This picture from Au Fil des Jours made me all squirmy...books, punishment, a cute girl...oh my!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I Love to Color
In the last few weeks, some of my twitter friends and I have been enjoying coloring and then posting our pictures for one another to see. As much as I love the coloring books for kids that I have, I've started searching for more grown-up pictures...like this cutie!!!!
Which made me start thinking...wouldn't it be great if SOMEONE who is a celebrated spanking artist, maybe someone who has the name of a wild canine, were to make a coloring book for spankos? I would buy one...wouldn't you?
Which made me start thinking...wouldn't it be great if SOMEONE who is a celebrated spanking artist, maybe someone who has the name of a wild canine, were to make a coloring book for spankos? I would buy one...wouldn't you?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Discipline, 140 Characters at a Time
Dear Readers,
I've been woefully neglectful of the bloggie wog of late. I've taken to telling my little stories to my Twitter friends...it's rather like we all gather around the virtual campfire, in that there's a live audience and an ongoing conversation.
However, I love my little blog and shall be a better girl about maintaining it.
And, to show that I mean it, here's a little story from last night's twitter.
I've been woefully neglectful of the bloggie wog of late. I've taken to telling my little stories to my Twitter friends...it's rather like we all gather around the virtual campfire, in that there's a live audience and an ongoing conversation.
However, I love my little blog and shall be a better girl about maintaining it.
And, to show that I mean it, here's a little story from last night's twitter.
Now, this falls squarely in the category of may or may not have happened.
He'd called me up to tell me he was downstairs. now, my flat is in a bit of fortress of solitude, and, given how he'd asked me to be dressed
I couldn't exactly trot downstairs to open the door, you know? So, we agreed that I'd drop the key down to him, from my bedroom window
I'd been advised not to acknowledge that I heard him walk in the door. I was to wait until he spoke to me. I had to trust that it was him.
We'd talked about the things I was supposed to have done.
so I heard him moving about the flat, and again, it seemed like forever, but I knew better than to look. Even though that was very difficult
Hell's bells, I thought. Did I really forget to vacuum? Just then I heard his voice for the 1st time since he'd walked in the door. "Libby?"
And, all vampire like, he's close to me. "Honey, we need to talk about the state of your flat." I feel his hands on my hips. "Yes, Sir."
He slaps my ass hard, twice, and pulls my knickers down to my knees. I hear him sit down at my desk, and swivel round toward me
SpankingLib Libby the Libster
"Libby, Sweetie, we have some problems, don't we?" Immediately I'm running every broken rule through my mind!
"yes, Sir, I reckon we do have a few problems, Sir." <<<<<--------note obsessive use of respectful language
"And what are they, Pet, what are our problems?" Well, hell. I guess I might as well claim them, right?
"I didn't vacuum, Sir. And I didn't do the swiffer thing."
"Turn around and face me, Libby." he says, and I'm not sure what to do exactly, given that my knickers are down around my ankles...
He seems to sense my hesitation, "Libby, did you not hear me, Sweetie?"
So I just tried to put my embarrassment out of my head and I turned around, and *cringe* stumbled a bit because of, you know, the knickers
And I see him for the first time tonight...he's sitting in my desk chair, with his arms folded across his chest, smiling at me crookedly
And there I am, knickers now around my ankles, suddenly aware that I'm shaking. I want to move toward him, but he's not asked me too.
"How's yoga going, Libby Baby?" And now it's taking all my strength not to beg to sit in his lap while I confess to him. "It's going well"
"Try again, Baby. Tell me what's happening." then I can't stop talking. "I'm so sorry, Sir, there are a lot of things I need to tell you!"
And so I spill everything, standing there with my panties around my ankles. When I've missed bedtime or slept too late or missed yoga...
And by then I have tears in my eyes, and I'm searching his face for how he's reacting to what I'm saying. Is he smiling? ugg! I can't tell.
"Come here, LIbby" he says, and at the crook of his finger I'm at his knee. Magnet and Iron.
Somehow I was graceful, gliding across the floor at his bidding, with my knickers around my knees.
He snaps his fingers. "On your knees, Sweetie." Where is my will? Absent, my friends. I want nothing more than to be on my knees before him.
For the next 10 minutes or so, we go through my rules, and his expectations of me, as I'm on my knees, looking up at his face
By this time I'm SICK to be over his knees, you know? I feel like there's no way he can't know how bad I want him to spank me!
Now I know he's teasing me. "Alright, Sweetie, over my lap." Friends, I was not cool.
My knickers were already down, but of course he didn't start spanking me straight away. It seemed like I waited forever!
He spent quite a lot of time (at least it seemed like he did!) with his hand on my bum, lecturing me and frightening the living daylights
...out of me. And then my spanking began. Oh, Sugar!
Sometimes the best thing about a spanking is being driven, constitutionally driven, to try to get away, even though I want more, you know?
And when at last, he was done spanking me, I felt him slide my panties off, over my stockinged feet
"Come here, Baby, sit in my lap...." and I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him, as if my very life depended upon it,
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Spanking City of the Day: Richmond Hill, Ontario
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Recommended Blog: JPColor Gallery
This week's recommended blog comes from Europe. I'm absolutely in love with JPColor Gallery. Though I'm not sure what the text says, the beautiful illustrations keep bringing me back. Check it out...I doubt you'll be disappointed.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Spanking City of the Day: Oldwick, New Jersey
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Recommended Blog: Pretty, Naughty Things
I've been neglectful. I've not posted my weekly blog recommendation in over a month. Bad Libby! Forgive me?
Here's my strong recommdation: check out Darling C's blog...
She's creative and fun and just a swell kid, all around. You won't be sorry you visited her blog.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Spanking City of the Day: Ankara, Turkey
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Spanking City of the Day: Gilbert, Arizona
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Spanking City of the Day: Liverpool, UK
Friday, March 18, 2011
Spanking City of the Day: Bowie, Maryland

Thank you, Visitor from Bowie,
for stopping by my bloggie!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Portrait of a Spanko as a Young Girl
A common theme of conversation among us who do this thing we do is, "when did it start for you? when did you know?" I, for one, have no doubt I was born with the spanko gene. How can I be so sure? Here's a little story that illustrates my point.
As a child, I had very few rules. I was the only child of a single mother, a well-behaved and quiet little girl. But even then, I craved discipline.
So I invented someone who would supply it in spades. She didn't have a name, she was just Nanny. She was not cruel, and I always felt she cared about me, even if I was
Nanny had very clear rules for me to follow, and certain consequences if I broke them.

So many times, I remember my mom asking me to do something that Nanny forbade. "Come on, Libby!" Mom would say. "Stay up and watch the late show with me!"
Knowing Nanny would spank me soundly if I broke her bedtime rule, I would decline, and head upstairs.
So, while my schoolmates had imaginary pals who caused all sorts of mischief, I had a Very Strict Imaginary Nanny who spanked me.
That's my "origins of a spanko story"...
When did you first realize this thing about yourself, Dear Reader?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Spanking City of the Day: Starkville, Mississippi
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I Heart Kami Tora
I first saw his work at The Cherry Red Report, and was instantly enchanted.
I'm generally not much of a cartoon girl. One of my best friends has a major thing for cartoon porn, and I've always been a bit puzzled by that. Why look at cartoon porn, I always thought, when perfectly good photographs are abundantly available?

But then I saw the work of this "Renoir of the Red Ass", as Dave calls him....

Is it, for instance, his brilliant portrayal of bubble butts turned blazing red? That's certainly part of it.
Perhaps his skill at telling a story in one image? That's a huge part of it, as well.

Thanks, Kami Tora, for the gorgeous pictures!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Spanking City of the Day: Festus, Missouri
Monday, March 7, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Spanking City of the Day: Violet, Louisiana
Thank you, Visitor from
Violet, Louisiana
for stopping in!
p.s. Isn't this a yummy picture? Purrrrrrrr...
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The Big Date, 140 Characters at a Time
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I wore my ruffled knickers for cute factor, not padding! |
So I had the Big Date with the Big Man! I wrote a series of tweets about it, and rather than rewrite the whole thing here, I thought it might amuse you to see it as I told it then, broken down into singular tweets. I deleted the fun replies of several lovely people, as I've not asked their permission to repeat them here.
Also, I've included pretty pictures to break up the text. The first one is me, in the knickers I mention. The rest have no special significance, they're just cute.

SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
okay, so we met at the restaurant, and I was so nervous. When he got there he was very tall and handsome, just like the pictures...
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
wine and nice conversation calmed me down nicely. When dinner was over, he leaned across the table and whispered, "Hi, Baby..." Swoony swoon
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
..."what should we do now?" he asks. "I live down the street...wanna come over?" says I. (wee fail: he didn't open the car door for me)
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
Back at my place, he says, "Let me look at you, Baby...you're so cute and little!" And seriously, I'm like half his size.
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
He hugged me and and kissed me very gently. I'm liking this a lot. I get us drinks and while I'm in the kitchen, I feel standing behind me.
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
He leans over and says, "have a been good girl today, Libby?" and I can feel his breath on the back of neck. Serious yum.
I can barely catch my breath at this point...but I manage to get out, "Yes, Sir, very good..."
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
Then I feel him put his fingers through the belt loops on my jeans and pull me back against him. "Look at your cute jeans, Baby. You've got
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
..."the cutest little bottom!" Then he proceeded to slap said bottom soundly and whisper, "you're such a good girl, Libby" while he
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
kissed my neck. At this point I'm jelly.
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
Okay, so he leads me over to the couch and pulls me onto his lap.
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
And he asks me, and believe me, I'm giggling as I write this, tweeps...
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
He says, "what am I going to do to you, Libby?" now really, what was I to say? what would you have said. I can think of a million smartass
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
answers now.
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
in the moment, with this great big giant man holding me in his lap and looking into my eyes, I sputtered, "you're going to spank me, Sir."
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
"That's right, Honey. And why am I going to spank you?" And now I'm starting to want to get on with it, you know?!?
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
So I cut to chase, as we've really not known each other long enough for there to be a real correction needed, "Because you want to, Sir."
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
"Silly little girl," says he. "I'm spanking you because good girls like you need to be spanked, too. Do you understand, Sweetie?"
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
Oh, Heavens, yes, Sir, I most certainly do understand about good girls needing to be spanked!
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
"Stand up, Baby. Get over my lap. Get comfortable, you're going to be there for a while." Oh, my friends, I was butter.
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
So of course, what was I to do but follow orders? Over his lap went I!
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
First he spanked me with his (huge) hand, over my jeans, to the point where I thought I couldn't take anymore, and then he eased off a bit.
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
Then he put me upright over his knee and hugged me and kissed my forehead. "How are you, Baby?"
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking

SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
"Thank you, Sir." I whispered. "For what, Baby?" he sounded amused. "For spanking me."
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
After that, there was a veritable evening of spanking!
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
A couple of hours, at least. I was wearing my pretty black ruffled knickers, and he teased me about wearing them for padding. Not true!
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
I wore them for cute factor!
SpankingLib Victorian Spanking
And might I ask, those who are listening, who loves/hates the belt?
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