Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More Corner Discipline

The Mentor led me to the corner of my apartment by the back door that opens onto the little balcony.

It's like a little recessed pocket...having searched for a proper rug for it, I know that it's 20 inches deep and 38 inches across.

But he'd produced a tape measure and a pencil from his jacket pocket, and was handing them to me.

"Now, Libby. You're going to be making pencil and tape marks on the wall and floor.  You have four colors of tape there...blue, yellow, red, and pink. Blue will signify the first position, yellow the second, and red the third. Pink will be a second option for each of the levels. So, for instance, if I were to say, remove your clothing and take the yellow position, option two, you'd know exactly how you should be positioned. It should take you no longer than 45 seconds to disrobe, fold your clothing neatly, and assume the position I demand."

My head was swirling with the new information, and he could see it.

"This is not unreasonable. When I leave today, you'll completely understand and easily be able to fulfill my expectations. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir." My answer was automatic.

It was automatic not because I felt coerced, or because he had instructed me to answer as such, but because he was relating so directly to something so pure and reasonable in me that it pushed everything else aside. He was commanding my respect on an almost reptilian level of my brain.

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